Project Selected in Ports 4.0

Portable Wave Measurement

We are very proud to announce that the ‘Carbon Wave Gauge’ project has been selected in the II Call for the Innovacción Ports 4.0 fund in the category of Pre-Commercial Projects.

The project, carried out in collaboration with the company VTI (, involves the development of a portable precision device for real-time measurement of waves and tides. It has been selected from among more than 100 participating projects in the latest call of Ports 4.0.

The project is supported by the Port Authorities of Barcelona, Las Palmas, and Bahía de Algeciras, where proof of concept tests will be conducted, and equipment will be installed to act as technical demonstrators for future products launched to the market for all stakeholders in the port environment.

New Principle of Measurement

The devices are based on an innovative measurement principle and will revolutionize the way wave measurement is currently conducted, reducing costs, improving accuracy, and enabling the possibility of easily transporting and installing equipment for measurement campaigns in different locations with the same devices.

Each of the devices can complement wave measurement with the acquisition of other complementary parameters such as water quality, currents, or wind speed, among others.

We encourage you to stay tuned because, in the coming months, we will be providing more information and updating the project’s status.

Finally, we also share some media coverage that has been reported on the news:

Las Palmas respalda el 26% de los proyectos pre-comerciales de innovación que han obtenido financiación de Ports 4.0
Ports 4.0 funds 30 new innovative projects in pre-commercial phase in the port maritime sector
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